WIN Rewards Program Prizes
20 Tokens = $5 Gift card to Jamba Juice, Cold Stone, or Starbucks
40 Tokens = $10 Gift card to Game Stop, Barnes & Noble or In n Out Burger
50 tokens and you get to spin the Nguyen "WIN" Wheel and keep your tokens!
60 Tokens = 2 Movie tickets
80 Tokens = $20 Gift card to Justice, Best Buy, Amazon, Old Navy or Macy's
100 Tokens = $25 Gift card to Tilly's or H&M
150 Tokens = $50 Gift card to California Pizza Kitchen, Gap, or Olive Garden
300 Tokens = $100 Gift Certificate of your Choice
600 Tokens = IPOD touch
800 Tokens = XBox 360
The Rules
Patients must be in active Phase 1, Phase 2 or Invisalign treatment to participate. "WIN" Tokens will not be given for retainer visits or recall patients. No tokens will be awarded if you come in for an emergency appt. Tokens must be collected on the day of your appointment. We will not give you tokens for your last appointment, so please remind us if we forget. Also no tokens can be combined with our Care to Share Program.
Collect 2 Tokens every appointment if ALL 3 categories below are met.
Collect 1 Tokens at every appointment if 2-3 of the following categories below are met.On Time for Appointment
Good Oral Hygiene
Full-Time Elastic Wear, Head Gear Wear or other Appliance Wear
No Broken Bands, Brackets or Broken Appliances
No Tokens are earned if:
You Missed Your Last Appointment (without 24-hours' notice)
An Emergency Visit previous to your appointment
Broken or Lost Appliances
*May not be combined with Care to Share program
We Reserve the right to change, alter or modify the rules, prizes or value of tokens at any time without prior notification.
1 Token - Check in on Facebook/Yelp or Google
5 Tokens - Like us on Facebook
5 Tokens - Follow us on Facebook
5 Tokens - Follow us on Instagram
5 Tokens - For tagging our office in your Social Media picture
10 Tokens - Writing us a review Yelp/Google/Facebook
1 Token - For every "A" on your report Card
Bonus: 5 extra tokens for 4 or more "A" (must bring in report card)
5 Tokens - For Academic Award Earned
(must bring in Award)
1 Token - For every hour of community service completed ( must bring proof of Community Service)
5 Tokens - Having no cavities and good oral Hygiene at your dentist's cleaning appt ( ask us for a form to be signed)
20 Tokens - Refer a Friend
100 Tokens - When your friend starts treatment *
* May not be combined with Care to Share Program
We reserve the right to change, modify the rules, prizes and value of tokens at any time.